วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Plao Luang or Plao Yai

Plao Luang or Plao Yai or Por, science name: Croton
roxburghii N.P.Balakr, family: Euphorbiaceae. Plao Yai is a
small bush tree; its grey bark is quite smooth, simple leaves
are circled around branches. The leaf is oblong or ovate
while it’s top is curved. The part attached with the upper end
of petiole has two nodes at both sides. It has inflorescence
flower that will bloom at upper end of branch; the color is
green yellow. Its fruits have three bunches. Propagation
can be done by root cutting. Its root can heal skin disease;
a bark helps relief fever, hepatitis, arthritis, food digestion;
flower helps to expel worms; leaf can cure skin disease,
gastritis; and seed is a vermifuge. Plao Yai is distributed
around Thailand’s North Eastern found in high ground while
in foreign countries could be found in India, Burma, Laos,
and Vietnam. To see benefits of every part of Plao Yai can
imply that to take care and save the natural resources like
water, tree, and forest can be huge benefits of us all.
Plao Luang

